Alexander Simpson

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Recent activity by Alexander Simpson Recent activity Votes
  • @SimplyBiz I value the Xero accounting system as it is easy to use although the Wave Accounting app (which is free) is also great. Both have great functionality yet I value the UI and simplicity o...

  • Good day I believe that the above content has great merit. The one basic strategy I would always recommend in place is to ensure that whichever finance option is chosen that there is a well struct...

  • There is a fine difference between working for the sake of creating activity and working for the sake of creating value. One must always reflect on their business actions and highlight trends/acti...

  • Spending time with the staff and ensuring firm relationships are built is key. One cannot also force relationships although this human element and interaction is so vital.

  • @Dano_ great question. There is never a set answer here although it is important to interpret and learn from others. No matter what you are doing in your life - whether it is on a professional lev...

  • If you want honest replies to your interview questions there’s much you can do beforehand. Creating an environment of openness and transparency in the hiring process itself makes a difference. For...

  • Great points. A key one is to always Listen... From the very beginning of the interview your interviewer is giving you information either directly or indirectly. If you are not hearing it you are ...

  • It’s not easy to launch an e-commerce business. Because of this competition within the market comes mainly from existing businesses launching online components and not from new “pure-play” e-comme...

  • Customer experience is the next competitive battleground.It’s where business is going to be won or lost.In today’s era customer is the king and has become the biggest game changer for any business...

  • Business registration is the act of incorporating a company under a particular jurisdiction. It is an important stage that is just as crucial as obtaining a business license. It is a necessary leg...