SimplyBiz Admin


  • Total activity 717
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  • Followed by 2 users
  • Votes 12
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Recent activity by SimplyBiz Admin Recent activity Votes
  • Need Sales?

      Marketing is not a standard one-size-fits-all package. Each business is unique and each market segment has different needs and wants. The one thing all businesses have in common is the need to g...

  • Does your small business really need a website?

    Business websites are now a common feature in South Africa and elsewhere.   In a world where ever-growing numbers of people have access to computers, mobile phones and other devices which facili...

  • Business Pitch

    As a business owner, you may understand the vision and mission of your business, but articulating that to potential investors is not that simple. Here are some tips to help you pitch your busines...

  • 5 Steps to improving survey feedback you get 

    Every organization values feedback. But what's the best way to make sure it's high quality? Here are 5 steps to guide you: Never forget this simple question:  Can our (prospective) customer pay f...

  • 7 steps on how to perk up your post-holiday blues

    How will you beat the January blues? This month is often very dead for small businesses even in a good economy. Business is slowly kicking off, employee and staff morale still needs to be motivat...

  • T&Cs

    These terms of use form a binding agreement between Nedbank Limited ('Nedbank', 'We', 'Us' or 'Our') and any person who uses or registers on the SimplyBiz platform at ('You'). ...

  • Template for a Business Plan

    This template is sourced from The Nedbank Ultimate Business Companion. Author: Lesley-Caren Johnson.

  • How do I contact SimplyBiz®?

    Nedbank Small Business Services:Tel: 0800 116 400 Email: the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of all of our web pages

  • 10 things business owners should do and know before hiring

      Starting or growing your own business and making mistakes go hand in hand. Some of the hardest lessons to learn are around hiring employees. It’s a challenge to find great people, recruit them, ...

  • How to create an outstanding brochure

    Your company brochure should provide a clear and brief description of your business objectives. This will help you influence potential customers in various places that you as the business owner c...