SimplyBiz Admin


  • Total activity 717
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Recent activity by SimplyBiz Admin Recent activity Votes
  • Filing 101

    “Files are like contracts. No one really needs them until there’s a problem!”   ― Cynthia Kyriazis An effective, easy to use filing system is essential for any business. Whether it is to keep (an...

  • Delegating as a management skill

    Small business owners may often feel that because they bear ultimate responsibility for the fate of their venture, it is essential to be as hands-on as possible and control all decisions and acti...

  • Losing your passion for your business

    Losing passion for your business? Try outsourcing. As a small business owner, it’s easy to lose your passion for your business when you spend more time worrying about money and less time on what ...

  • Clear definitions, clear expectations

    They say it’s the most popular Creative Mornings talk of all time. Its title, like its message, is crystal clear: ....You, Pay Me.  In this talk, speaker Mike Monteiro provides designers with va...

  • Your business and crime

    According to a 2007 survey commissioned by the office of the Office of the Presidency, 54% of 446 small businesses surveyed had experienced an incident of crime in the previous year. The types of...

  • Managing supplier contracts and SLAs

    The contracts and service level agreements (SLAs) that have been entered into between the small business and its suppliers provide a framework for the relationship between the parties. The contr...

  • Business life cycle analysis

    ' Understanding the stages a typical small business goes through in its lifecycle can help small business owners to know whether what they are experiencing is to be expected, or whether the busin...

  • Employees don’t want to do certain tasks?

    Some small businesses require certain tasks to be performed that existing and potential employees may look down upon. This situation can come about because of the industry the small business oper...

  • Can small businesses compete for talent?

    A business’ workforce can give it a competitive advantage in terms of innovation, productivity, remaining relevant (spotting trends and adapting to them), and consistency in producing high-quali...

  • Placeholder