SimplyBiz Admin


  • Total activity 717
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Recent activity by SimplyBiz Admin Recent activity Votes
  • Common misconceptions about entrepreneurship

    You are born with it This might apply to certain people but this doesn't necessarily disregard those who were not born without the skills or desires. Great entrepreneurs can be developed through n...

  • Finding the right business partner

    Don’t be too quick to make a decision about taking a partner. The wrong partner is worse than no partner at all. If after careful consideration you decide that taking a partner is the best option ...

  • Do what you love and the money will follow?

    ... will it really? Small business owners are usually encouraged to follow their dreams and start a business in a field they are passionate about. Making money is assumed to be a natural or logica...

  • Making working from home work

    Working from home is great when it works – you can wear what you want and pretty much do what you want. But there are also bad days when the interruptions and distractions keep getting in the way ...

  • More Business Books Worth Reading

    Here are top picks for your bookshelf, bedside table and digital reader that can refresh your thinking, give you a new perspective and make you feel excited all over again about being an entrepren...

  • Entrepreneurial insights - failure is an option

    Businesses fail, it’s a harsh reality. In South Africa, more than half of all new businesses fail in the first year and 96% of those will have closed their doors within 10 years. Allon Raiz, CEO o...

  • How to Get Going & Keep Going on Social Media 1

      Many small business owners have ventured into creating at least a Facebook page or Twitter page or both. And very often these social platforms haven’t gained the traction they would have liked t...

  • 5 Steps to improving survey feedback you get

    Every organization values feedback. But what's the best way to make sure it's high quality? Here are 5 steps to guide you: Never forget this simple question:  Can our (prospective) customer pay fo...

  • Customers are an integral part of your business

      To some, this comes naturally, but to the uninitiated, it can appear to be very daunting. Selling is an art that every entrepreneur needs to master. To some, this comes naturally, but to the uni...

  • Unions - Harmony vs. Conflict?

    Unions can have a devastating impact on your production due to a protracted dispute or stay-away One of the biggest fears for small business is the potential for conflict with labor union represen...