SimplyBiz Admin


  • Total activity 717
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  • Followed by 2 users
  • Votes 12
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Recent activity by SimplyBiz Admin Recent activity Votes
  • Product vs Service

    Is there really a distinction in value between selling a product and providing a service? There is a constant debate about what’s easier to sell between intangible and tangible products. Tangible...

  • Bigger Network = Broadened Knowledge

    Effective networking isn’t a result of luck, it requires hard work and persistence. Connecting and interacting with other business owners will help you generate new ideas and allow you to ...

  • Financial record keeping

    Good administrative and/or accounting skills are often not the top traits one finds in entrepreneurs. Poor attention to detail and too many other demands on time and energy mean that financial rec...

  • Operational Issues?

    So often small-business owners do more than their fair share and take on the bulk of the responsibility in their businesses. But if you’re working harder and harder and not making any gains, that’...

  • Managing your banking relationship

    It may be said that business is all about relationships, whether with clients, suppliers, employees or indeed your bankers. Investing time and effort into these relationships pays off in increased...

  • Managing statutory returns

    As a business owner, you want to ensure that you comply with all legal (statutory) requirements and returns. This not only includes tax submissions to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) but ...

  • Trusting yourself versus trusting the experts

    As a small business owner in the 21st century, you live in an age where knowledge and information are readily available through many different channels. There are numerous television shows, we...

  • Jenna said so

    What I discovered behind the dazzling beauty and glamour of the Jenna Clifford jewelry brand is a tough woman who questions all the rules and sees beyond outward appearance. Jenna takes her whole ...

  • Entrepreneurs Do Not Like Risk

    Entrepreneurs do not like risk. That’s why everyone’s an entrepreneur“ I am not an entrepreneur because I do not like taking risks.” Words people often use to explain why they have not taken the en...

  • Redefining success for small business

    Do small business owners ever get to the point where they feel successful? Small business owner Debbie Logan (Organic, Natural and Whole-Food Emporium) says few of them do. “So much of our time is...