SimplyBiz Admin


  • Total activity 717
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  • Votes 12
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Recent activity by SimplyBiz Admin Recent activity Votes
  • Use your customers as your marketers

    Allow your customers to help you drive your marketing strategy, they are an authentic representation of how your product/service is perceived in the market. Here are three ways to work customers ...

  • The art of negotiation

      The ability to negotiate successfully is a life skill useful in many different situations, inside and outside the business arena. It is inevitable that small business owners will negotiate with...

  • Marketing is a journey not an event

    Marketing can seem like a dark art best left to the experts. The problem is that experts are generally quite expensive. Mongezi Mtati, the founding MD of word-of-mouth marketing firm WordStart su...

  • My marketing plan isn't working: now what?

    Marketing is more science than it is art; and an imperfect science at that. Something that might work at one point in time may no longer be effective a year down the line. An approach in one sect...

  • How to make a personal connection with customers

    Loyalty is a key asset to any business. Business owners seek loyalty from their employees and customers. Like in any relationship, loyalty comes through making personal connections. Here’s how y...

  • The golden rules of negotiating

    The aim of a negotiation is to come to an agreement about a proposal, and the way to do this is to build value in your offer. Here are some key rules to keep in mind: Always start the negotiat...

  • How do you help your local entrepreneurs

    The small business sector is a significant gateway to the success of the economy. They contribute to creating jobs and closing the supply gap in the market. In order for this sector to thrive, we...

  • The psychology of marketing

    The words and actions associated with marketing can sometimes feel manipulative, false or exaggerated to small business owners. Some may even see themselves as selling out by adopting certain ma...

  • Keeping on your toes as a supplier

    In their roles as suppliers, small business owners may often find themselves having to troubleshoot things that have gone wrong either internally and in their relationships with customers. Some ‘...

  • Sourcing from ethical suppliers

    As a point of differentiation, small businesses can market themselves as being ethical and socially responsible. This entails business practices that show respect for human rights, seek to min...