SimplyBiz Admin


  • Total activity 717
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  • Votes 12
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Recent activity by SimplyBiz Admin Recent activity Votes
  • Managing office politics as a small business owner

    Office politics is just as likely to rear its head in a small business setting as any other that involves groups of people working together. Jockeying for power, influence, recognition and advanc...

  • Managing employees’ time and productivity

    In order to get the most out of their employees, small business owners need to take responsibility for creating a productive working environment. Managing employees’ time requires small business...

  • Health and Safety in the workplace

    Creating a safe and healthy physical space for employees and other people who routinely access your business’ premises has many benefits. For starters, it reduces productive time lost due to sick...

  • Promoting Intrepreneurship

    An intrapreneur is ‘an employee who behaves like an entrepreneur, taking risks and being innovative to turn an idea into a product or service. Being an intrapreneur can be a useful strategy for b...

  • Are you managing or just nagging?

    Four universal truths about management: You are responsible for the performance of those that report to you. You need to take action when an employee is not delivering what is expected from them....

  • How to uncover exceptional talent

    When recruiting new employees business owners generally search for candidates within narrow and time-tested backgrounds. Many organizations are now finding smart ways to broaden their net without...

  • How much do your employees deserve or need to know

    Transparency with employees is often trumpeted as a practice that should be adopted by business leaders and owners. However, small business owners may wonder if and where the boundaries on transp...

  • Helping employees leave could be good for you

    The conventional wisdom is that business owners should do everything they can to hold onto their employees for as long as possible to strengthen the skills base of the business and create stabili...

  • Why a business plan could be rejected

    Handling rejection is probably one of the most important life lessons you will need to learn as an entrepreneur. Being told ‘no’ by a potential customer is a lot easier to handle, however, than r...

  • Inspirational workstations

    As a small business owner, acquiring a great workplace may be hard when you’re still starting out. However, as the leader of a team, you must always find ways to create a warm and inspirational ...