SimplyBiz Admin


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  • IT77C Application for Registration as a Taxpayer

    This template is sourced from the SARS website.

  • Quality assurance from suppliers

    Small businesses that are suppliers compete against other suppliers on various factors. Product and service quality is perhaps the biggest differentiator, playing a critical role in determining w...

  • The role of technology in managing suppliers

    Larger businesses or small businesses with complex production processes are likely to find technology a useful ally in managing their relationships with suppliers. Numerous software tools that ar...

  • Online collaboration tools

    Businesses are constantly on the lookout for ways to enhance productivity and inject some flexibility to improve employees’ quality of life. Online collaboration tools are one way to achieve this...

  • Manage your online reputation

    As an entrepreneur, you must never fail to look beyond today and prepare your brand towards what the implications of sharing and storing of information online will have on your long-term brand va...

  • Finding and managing suppliers

    In order for your small business to grow you need to make selecting good suppliers and vendors a significant part of your growth plan. Evaluating Your Suppliers and VendorsSuppliers can be divide...

  • How do you help your local entrepreneurs

    The small business sector is a significant gateway to the success of the economy. They contribute to creating jobs and closing the supply gap in the market. In order for this sector to thrive, w...

  • Creating a high impact company blog

    Company blogs exist to promote the business and are targeted primarily at existing and potential customers and employees. For small businesses owners who already have a company website, a blog is...